This innovative NEW listening technology allows any venue to stream audio via Wi-Fi from TVs, music sources or live programs directly to an individual’s smartphone or tablet.

The New Hearing HotSpot Server includes everything you need to stream multiple channels of audio in real-time over an enterprise Wi-Fi network. Venue-controlled advertising / messages, made available through simple web portal and system updates, are delivered to the venue without on-site visits. User-friendly LCD front panel for setup, status and audio-level adjustment.

See it

Download and Hear

At a Hearing Hotspot host location, hear TVs or a live performance with your smart phone

  • 1
    Go to the Apple App Store℠ or Google Play™ and download the FREE Hearing HotSpot™ app.
  • 2
    Log onto the free Wi-Fi network named "Hearing HotSpot" from your smartphone or tablet.
  • 3
    Launch the Hearing HotSpot™ app on your device.
  • 4
    Select the channel you wish to hear, then press play on the app. Enjoy!

Host at your Venue

The Hearing Hotspot is extremely versatile, designed to work in any venue where people can watch a TV or a live performance, but cannot hear it clearly.

  • Hospitality — restaurants, sports bars, casinos
  • Healthcare — hospitals, clinics, outpatient treatment facilities
  • Transportation — airports, train stations, bus terminals
  • Fitness Centers
  • Language Interpretation
  • Audio Support for Digital Signage
  • Hearing assistance in public venues — stadiums, performance venues, houses of worship


  • Broadcasts up to 32 channels (per server box) of better-than-MP3 audio quality directly to an individual’s smartphone or tablet at any venue offering Hearing HotSpot.
  • Advanced software algorithm delivers audio with ultra-low latency, so the audio stays in sync with the video source or live performance.
  • In-app links offer each venue the option of customizable advertising banners, customer surveys, PDF documents and ticker scrolls across bottom of screen.
  • Purpose-built, high-quality hardware components and innovative software offer great performance and trouble-free operation.
  • Stereo and mono options available.
  • Compatible with most Apple®- and Android®-based smartphones and tablets.


  • Scale and or customize to any size venue.
  • No (or less) equipment to purchase and maintain.
  • High-quality and reliable technology from an industry leader.
  • Each venue is provided with a unique software portal, allowing venue management to configure messaging and advertising for its audience, as well as to monitor system status.

How it Works

System Details


Each Hearing HotSpot system consists of a software license and hardware specifically configured for each customer venue, based on how the system will be used. This approach allows Williams Sound to scale the system from small to very large venues, with customers paying only for the components they need.


Hearing HotSpot system pricing is based on the following factors:

  • Number of audio sources/channels (up to 32 per server box)
  • Wi-Fi coverage (physical space and number of expected users)
  • Installation requirements (centrally located AV or dispersed)

Portal Access/Software Maintenance

A modest, annual fee for software updates will ensure portal access for venues to manage their own in-app content and smart device compatibility. This is a flat fee (not based on system size), and will be first charged at the beginning of Year Two.

Content Portal

Not only does the Hearing HotSpot provide a revolutionary listening experience to customers, it offers the participating venue an extraordinary opportunity to improve customer retention, grow engagement and drive revenue.

Connect with customers like never before. Take advantage of the truly unique software portal that is part of each Hearing HotSpot package. This easy-to-use interface provides each venue with the creative power to customize in-app messaging and advertising for its target audience.




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